Singapore Fintech Festival 2022 – Innovation Lab Crawl

The long-awaited Singapore Fintech Festival 2022 finally arrived, and we were thrilled to kickstart this event through the Innovation Lab Crawl! With Singapore Fintech Festival being one of the largest fintech festivals in the world, we were glad we could contribute to the fintech community by sparking meaningful conversations around relevant topics.
As part of an M-DAQ Centre of Excellence initiative, we conducted a live webinar centred on the topic "The Future of Securities Trading and Execution for Global Investors". In the webinar, we discussed how automation is driving demand for investment enhanced by geographic diversification. From there, we dived deeper and talked about the evolving market landscape, the new ways to buy and sell securities, and the importance of settlement currency of choice.
The 45-minute webinar was made possible by a stellar board of panellists, which included a few of our M-DAQers. The following will read a little like the Academy Awards so bear with us.
Our heartfelt appreciation to our guest speakers Dr Robert Barnes, former Chartered FCSI, Group Head of Securities Trading & CEO Turquoise Global Holdings, LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) and Samuel Rhee, Chairman & CIO, Endowus for generously sharing their time, insights and expertise with us.
Special shoutout to ex-M-DAQer Stamos Fokianos, previously GM, Strategic Product Development, and moderator Jeremy Sng, GM Corporate Finance & Strategy, for their participation.
Special thanks to our fellow M-DAQers aka the “M-DAQ Cinematic Crew” for assisting with the set up, logistics and equipment for the webinar:
Crew: Meng, Ripin, Jitendra, Benjamin, Alyssa
Lights: Adrian
Camera: JD
The fintech landscape has been a volatile and uncertain one. However, through this session, participants learnt how innovators are cooperating in partnership to deliver next generation tools that help international investors get their business done with transparency, confidence and efficiency. With many participants tuning in globally, many stood to benefit from this discussion which also brought into focus the importance of diversifying investment portfolios and how the settlement currency of choice is paramount in the evolving market landscape.
We had an amazing time at the Singapore Fintech Festival 2022 and hope you did too. See you again at SFF2023.
Watch the full webinar below.

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